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Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day

About us

At New Era Children’s Fund, we believe in the power of opportunity and the potential within every child. Founded on the visionary principles of our founder, NECF has been a beacon of hope and transformation since its inception. With a commitment that echoes our focus, “Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day,” we dedicate ourselves to turning the tide for children in underserved communities across the Asia, Africa, Arabia & North America.


Our founder’s journey began in 1970 with a simple yet profound belief: every child deserves access to the resources that can unlock their potential—education, technology, agriculture, and essential living services like clean water, energy, and nutritious food. This belief has fueled our efforts for decades, guiding our mission to empower young lives and support them in overcoming the barriers to success.

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day” is more than just a tagline—it’s a promise. A promise to never stop believing in the potential of every child. A promise to provide them with the opportunities they need, every day. And a promise to continue NECF’s legacy of compassion and action.

Our Impact

Today, thousands of children and their families are discovering lives full of promises – making education, clean water, and opportunities easily accessible. With our global partnership, we have offered financial support to over 15 communities in 9 countries – all thanks to your donations and support.

5 Projects of clean water provide in rural Asia

5 Projects of clean water provide in rural Asia

Several hundred children given access to education in Africa

Several hundred children given access to education in Africa

3 schools redeveloped in Sri Lanka

3 schools redeveloped in Sri Lanka

Our Impact

to support our programs


to support our programs
a child in our programs


a child in our programs
to volunteer for our programs


to volunteer for our programs

Our Progress

We continue to raise funds in the global movement of generosity to help communities and families survive the pandemic.

Dozens of

Homes Funded

Your generosity and our group of volunteers has allowed us to build over 740 houses in 15 communities. 


People Housed

Children and their families have been saved and taken off the streets to be housed.



Through global partnerships, we’re able to provide communities with the quality life they deserve

Our Progress

Projects through People

Working hand-in-hand to make a better world for our future generations to come, from one person to another.

Join a global movement

In the midst of the pandemic, hundreds of children and their families lost access to their basic needs. With your generosity, we can help these communities survive the pandemic. Your support will give them access to food, clean water, clothing and masks.
